Moose 194-2

Answers: A & D are True

Business style

In Turkish business interaction, it is important to be genuinely courteous. A serious demeanor is also important, especially in official settings. Be sure to make eye contact; Turks interpret lack of eye contact as a sign of disingenuousness. Turks also look to the present rather than to the future. All of these qualities may make them seem less goal-oriented to some other nationalities.

The Turkish attitude toward time is more relaxed than in some other countries. Punctuality is less important than spending time with a friend or family member, or sorting out a problem. Foreigners must not show impatience.

Turks feel a need to "save face," meaning that they are quite concerned about how they and others are regarded. For example, they may not be candid about the need for more explanation. Direct criticism is not useful, and constructive criticism does not have a place in Turkey.

Excerpted from the Living Abroad report on Turkey/Business practices / Business style

Written by Michael Cadden, SGMS-T, VP International Operations

Business Traveler London

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